Employment Opportunities

Second Shift Custodian

MHS is accepting applications to hire a 2nd shift custodian, hours are 3:00 to 11:30 PM. Applications are available in the district office or on the MHS website at www.mendotahs.org. The preferred start date is 5/28/24. IMRF pension and benefits are included for this full-time position. 

Submit applications to Maintenance Supervisor, Mr. Andy Knowlton, or aknowlton@mendotahs.org.

Bus Driver

MHS is hiring a bus driver. We will train to assist new drivers to pass the School Bus Driver tests. Apply to Transportation Director, Mr. Wes Sims, at wsims@mendotahs.org.

Cafeteria Worker

MHS is hiring a cafeteria worker, cook. For application information see Cafeteria Worker Posting